Parents are responsible for accompanying a child and signing a child in upon arrival and upon departure from the Centre. This is necessary for emergency evacuation and it is used for attendance purposes. Parents are asked to accompany the child to greet the teachers that are on duty before leaving the Centre. If there is anything the staff should know about your child, you may write it down under “Comments” on the sign in sheet and/or contact one of our staff.
We ask that children attending preschool arrive at 9:00 A.M. Being on time allows your child to participate in valuable social interaction and learning experiences. Children benefit most from regular attendance.
If your child will be absent or late, please inform the Centre as early as possible. When the program is already in session, a parent should assist the child by simply saying goodbye quietly in the hallway. Children who are observed to be ill upon arrival will be asked to remain at home for the day.
Children who remain past closing time may feel anxious and abandoned. Our Centre closes at 6:00 P.M. Parents must call if they are going to be late to pick up in order for staff to make alternate arrangements. If you encounter an emergency and cannot contact us or pick up your child by 6:00 P.M., our staff will make every effort to reach the parent(s) or emergency contacts. After this time overtime rates are charged to cover unscheduled staff costs and are paid (at the time of pick up) directly to the staff members who have stayed with your child. The late fee will be $10 for the first 15 minutes and $5 for each additional 15 minutes. Our staff will refer your child to Emergency Services, Ministry of Social Services after unsuccessful contact with parents.
Notice for extended absence from school is required. Children who do not return to school for a period of one week without notice are considered withdrawn and their place in class may be filled.
Our preschool-daycare program continues on a year-round basis. Children withdrawing for summer session as a vacation are considered fully withdrawn. Re-registration is required every year between February and April for the following September.
Each registered child is responsible for providing the following items labelled with the child's name:
Each child is also required to have an individual kit. Please put the following items in a large Ziploc bag:
We ask that you label all clothing and personal items so that they are clearly identifiable. Things do go missing and if they are labeled we can make every effort to return them.
The children in our program are encouraged to participate in both indoor and outdoor activities. For this reason, we recommend that children wear clothing that is washable, comfortable, suited to the weather, and easy for your child to take off and put on.
Quiet time for our Centre is approximately maximum 2 hours in length and depend on the individual child's age, activity level and needs. All children will be encouraged to relax and rest and the ones that do not sleep can get up and go to play quietly in another room at the Centre. Both the nap room and play areas are always monitored by staff.
Good nutrition is essential to a young child's growth, health and development. We recommend that parents follow the Canada Food Guide when considering food choices for their child's lunch and snacks.
Parents must make staff aware of a child's food allergies or strong dislikes.
Candies, sugary cookies and desserts are restricted and will be sent home.
We always celebrate special occasions with a special snack. Parents are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for their child's birthday or other special occasions.
A Monthly newsletter will be issued at the beginning of every month. Parents should make notes of special events, valuable information and reminders.
Messages for teachers can be left with the greeting teacher at the front in the morning.
Parents who wish to speak with their child's teacher should arrive 5 minutes early to make the necessary arrangements. Parents who wish to come for an observation should arrange a time with the director and/or head teacher.
These reports indicate the child's currently demonstrated interests and skills only, and are not an evaluation of ability. It is important to remember that each child progresses at his/her pace and progress is never the same for any two children. A special parent-teacher interview time will be set by the teacher with each parent to discuss progress. Additional meetings can be set up when it appears to be appropriate for the child's needs.
All information about your child is confidential and is available to staff for school purposes only. Facility licensing officers shall have the authority to inspect child or facility records.
School personnel are prohibited from administering medicine without a doctor's prescription. When it is necessary for a child to take a prescription medicine while attending school, parents are required to sign a form of authorization.
Children with symptoms such as a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loose bowel movements, rashes, unusual mucus discharge, deep coughing and severe cold with uncontrollable runny noses, should remain at home to rest. Should a child become ill during the day, parents will be notified immediately to arrange for pick-up. In case of emergency an ambulance will be called to deliver your child to the nearest hospital.
Fire drills and earthquake drills are carried out in our centre on a regular basis.
Our Centre follows the mandatory BC law in regard to reporting child abuse, suspected or evident. A report will be made immediately to the Ministry of Social Services in any case of suspected abuse. This may be done without prior consent or contact with the parent or guardian.
We practice guidance and discipline techniques which are developmentally appropriate, non-threatening, positive, consistent and respectful so as to promote each child's inner self control, build self esteem and encourage problem solving and independence.
The centre follows the legislated requirements and principles developed by the Provincial Child Care Facilities Licensing Board. A copy of their handbook, “Guidance & Discipline with Young Children” is available for you to borrow at any health unit.
Major Field trips will be printed on our monthly calendar and posted on the parent board. Parents will be required to sign a consent form in order for their child to participate in scheduled outings. If there are specific days you do not wish your child to participate, please let the staff know ahead of time so alternative arrangements can be made.
Parents will not be notified for any outings in the immediate neighbourhood of the Centre. Please let the staff know if any early pick up is necessary so alternate arrangements can be made.
Items that are forgotten by the children are kept in a lost and found. Please return items to the lost and found if you find something that does not belong to your child. Articles that are left unclaimed for more than one month will be donated to charity.
We are non-profit Centre and our operations are funded primarily through our fees. From time to time we raise funds for special events and for equipment for the children. We appreciate your participation and cooperation in making these events a success. This will help to keep our fees as low as possible.
“Montessori is an education for independence, preparing not just for school, but for life.”
© 2023 All rights reserved. Immaculate Heart Early Childhood Education Centre